#Entrepreneurship is all about leadership. A self centric stingy approach in sharing the credit of success with the deserving stakeholders who worked equally hard to achieve it, doesn’t work here. It isn’t a rat race which is to be won. It is a journey of value creation, enjoying the fruits of success as you tread the path of your vision which you laid down when you started off.
#Entrepreneurship is sharing your dreams with those who have similar aspirations. Taking the lead, making them part of your success story. Empowering them not only with the authority but also with the vision. Delegation of vision is the recipe of growth and being ready to take the blame, in case you fail, is the true #entrepreneurial leadership spirit.
#Entrepreneurship is learning from failures as you travel ahead in the journey, by keeping your team motivated and yourself optimistic till you reach your desired destination.
#Entrepreneurship is to create leaders and mentor the talented ones, who aspire to become future leaders.
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